A few Saturdays ago, Rosemary Moore was repainting her bedroom. Butter yellow, with white accents. As she lifted her brush to the wall, she noticed a rivulet of water. She glanced up – no leaks. She raised her paintbrush – and it happened again.Where can i get Canada Goose Resolute Parka? 

"Water was pouring out my rubber glove!" 

That day, the temperature in her West Auckland roof hit 43 degrees. It was hot. 

According to the adage, animals sweat, gentlemen perspire and ladies glow. But on that Saturday, Rosemary was most definitely sweating. 

And now we're two-thirds through February, that sunniest, most settled of months. Students swelter in classrooms, office workers curse inevitable air conditioning breakdowns and record temperatures are collected (42 degrees Celsius in Rangiora in 1973). We glow, we perspire, we sweat like pigs. It's only natural – but we don't like it. 

In 2011,Pages in category "german uniforms". New Zealand imported a record $16 million worth of personal deodorants – up more than $4 million on 2005. The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics database rated our appetite for antiperspirant 46th in the world, one place behind Slovenia and one ahead of Finland (Germans took out the top spot, spending a whopping $197 million). 

One forecast estimates that by 2017, the global deodorants market will be worth $13.Where to buy moncler jackets?8 billion as rising income levels in developing markets drive demand. 

Sweat is universal. It's also natural. So why is it the scourge of modern society? 

"People associate sweat with body odour," says Dr Vincent St Aubyn Crump, an Auckland specialist physician with interests in dermatology and allergies. "We're always sweating, but it's not always noticeable." 

Spicy food and nerves can induce sweating, says Crump, but its main purpose is to regulate body temperature. "When you sweat, water evaporates from your skin. It's physics. That evaporation causes skin to cool down." 

The catch? "Humidity needs to be low enough for that water to escape. If the outside is already saturated with water, then there's nowhere for that water to go." 

It takes up to six weeks to acclimatise to humidity. The traditional sauna that is New Zealand in February just doesn't last long enough for our bodies to adjust. 

"They reckon we have about four million sweat glands," says Crump. "And the maximum amount of sweat anyone can produce in a day is between 10-14 litres." 

It comes from, mostly, our eccrine glands (concentrated on our palms, the soles of our feet and our foreheads), but also from our apocrine glands. The latter kick in at puberty: under our arms, and around our groin and nipples. The sweat here is thicker and creamier,Welcome to supraskateshoes And Buy 2013 Authentic Beats By Dre.Shop the latest buy monster beats on the world's largest fashion ... richer in proteins and fatty acids that, once on the skin's surface, get broken down by ever-present bacteria, causing that most unpleasant side effect of sweat – body odour. 

We all sweat, all the time. But about three percent of the population truly suffers. Hyperhydrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweat "without good cause". 

"It's partly a genetic condition," explains Crump. 

"It usually starts as a teenager... when they're afraid, angry, all of that, it will be worse, but they'll also get it just sitting down quietly." 

While regular sweaters reach for deodorants and antiperspirants, botox injections are the preferred line of defence for severe sufferers. "It cuts off the nerve endings. You need the nerves to stimulate the glands, and the botox just blocks that pathway." 

Crump says there is a misperception hyperhydrosis sufferers might not be as "hygienic" as those who sweat less. "We ‘allow' sweat if someone's out jogging. But if somebody takes their jacket off and their armpits are dripping wet and it's the middle of winter... people don't understand." 

Sweat is associated with hard, physical work and exercise. Nations were built on it; teams win with it. 

So when did sweat become the bogeyman? 

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