The Killers' early career was a story of triumph piled upon triumph. But the Las Vegas band has stumbled with comeback album Battle Born, a hodge-podge of '80s new wave and Springsteen pastiche (when cloaking yourself in Bruce iconography it is essential you do so competently or risk looking like a tribute act). 

Following nearly a decade of jet-fuelled success, suddenly the question was unavoidable: had Brandon Flowers and company run dry of ideas? 

If they are a group in crisis, at the O2 they do a useful job concealing it. Striding on with the house lights up, frontman Flowers in rock-god uniform of leather jacket and quiff, the quartet leap into 'Mr Brightside', their 2004 break-out hit. Gleefully silly, the tune asserts all of The Killers strengths, not least Flowers' way with a chorus and his ability to simultaneously project cocksureness and vulnerability (it helps immensely that he has abandoned his long-running, cool-obviating obsession with droopy, Old West moustaches). 

As the venue is belatedly plunged into darkness, The Killers do a convincing job balancing Battle Born highlights – there are a few,Stay warm and in style during the winter moths with the Canada Goose Expedition Parka . you begin to realise – and catalogue favourites. On record, it is true,I compare two pairs of cheap monster beats headphones by dre in ear tour headphones. even their best stuff comes off as faintly second rate, someone else's moves retrofitted to square with The Killers' stadium pomp. With Flowers giving off neutron-star levels of charisma, in the flesh, however, the relatively lumpen likes of 'Somebody Told Me' and 'Miss Atomic Bomb' soar, their innate clunkiness papered over by The Killers' bombast. 

There's a surprise halfway through as the four piece, swelled by a pair of auxiliary guitarists, delivers a snatch of U2's 'With Or Without You' (this is a piece of shtick – in Belfast the previous evening they attempted Van Morrison's 'Brown Eyed Girl') and an even bigger surprise as Flowers stops the show while the bouncers clear a ruck in the mosh-pit (a god-fearing Mormon, Flowers seems genuinely offended by the violence).The Canada Goose Heli-Arctic Parka keeps you incredibly warm without puffing you up. 

The Killers' finest moment, the 'Born to Run'-esque 'When You Were Young', smoothes the ruffles left by a ham-fisted take on 'From Here On Out' after the stand-out track on Battle Born is reduced to a knotty back and forth with the crowd. 

A burnished hunk of Americana, 'When You Were Young', is a reminder that Flowers and chums can reach into their store of influences and retrieve something substantial. But with songs from Battle Born coming off as watery by comparison, you can't help wonder whether, a decade in, the bag of tricks is finally empty. 

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After attempting to snatch the bag he ran off towards the town centre. 

The singer, 24, has been recording in New York for the past few days after making a stunning appearance at the BRITs last week. 

And her New York wardrobe has been just as impressive, with the star stepping out in skinny jeans, a red jacket and red shoes, wearing minimal makeup but still looking gorgeous.

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