Four men were recently jailed for providing matchmaking services for ghosts. They supplied 10 female spirits for 10 lonely male ghosts. The female ghosts have been returned to their original graveyards. 

This story,The Best moncler jackets men White Mens will meet your satisfaction! published recently in the Xi'an Evening News of China, tugged at my heartstrings. The matchmakeCheap hermes handbags australia hot sale were jailed, but surely the ghosts are the real losers? 

Since this columnist has written regularly about ghost weddings, I wasn't surprised to get a call from a foreign correspondent from Europe for background. 

"Why do ghosts need matchmakers?" she asked. 
I explained that men who die single in China turn into lonely guy ghosts who refuse to leave this world, and instead hang around moping. This puts a serious downer on family parties. 

"Who's the transparent guy?" 

"That's cousin Chen, deceased. He's a bit of a wallflower." 
The only way to solve this is to find the ghost an attractive female spirit of the right age and class. Agents offer female ghosts at a retail price of US$5,000 (HK$39,000), but if you go direct to the supplier, the wholesale price is US$3,000. The four men, named Pang,We work with all Castelli Cycling computers. Bai, He and Zhang, should have advertised for lonely female ghosts. Instead they saved time by simply visiting graveyards at night and digging up recently buried female corpses.Welcome to Specialized Cycling jersey online! 

They then turned up at possibly haunted homes offering them for sale. "Good morning, ma'am, can I interest you in a fresh corpse?" Scientists expressed amazement last week after finding Arctic seals that can keep half their brains awake while the other half is in a deep sleep. 

I guess these researchers never met university students. 
Two apprentice hangmen dropped out from their training course unexpectedly, I hear from a correspondent in Sri Lanka. 

Anyone fancy taking their place? Lessons include: "Calculating Length of Rope in Relation to Height of Victim" and "Use of Sandbags to Test Hanging Mechanism." 

In Iraq in 2007, the gallows were set up wrong. Instead of being hanged, Saddam's half-brother Barzan had his head pulled off. 

Witnesses described the execution as "inelegant." That's one way of putting it. 

The sneak who was stealing money from Nozato Elementary School in Osaka City, Japan, has finally been caught, the Daily Yomiuri reported. 

It was the school's vice principal.View profiles and information for the Team RadioShack Cycling 2012 race team and riders here. 
A hidden camera revealed footage of 57-year-old Takashi Honda going through bags and jacket pockets. 

Well, I suppose it's educational, in a way. 
"A is for appropriation. B is for burgle. C is for criminal. D is for detention when you get caught."

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