Hunt for vandals behind Wolverhampton car attacks

One family is believed to have been targeted no fewer than five times in less than three months by the vandals.

The most recent attack happened on March 17 where the wing mirrors of the family’s grey Audi and a Renault Clio damaged at the properety, in Ruskin Road, The Scotlands.

Officers now hope an image captured by a mobile security camera earlier this month will identify those responsible for the attacks.

The image shows a group of four people walking down a street,As a Canada Goose Solaris Parka filling, the good quality of down leather-based performs a vital position in the brand's popularity. one of whom appears to be wearing a white hood.

Another is wearing a hat, and a third, whose face can be seen slightly more clearer than the rest, appears to be wearing a light-coloured hooded top under a jacket. Another image shows a close up picture of a woman.

PCSO Adam Rock, from the neighbourhood policing team, said it was believed the gang was deliberately harrassing the family involved, which has not been named.

He appealed for anyone who may have information,View profiles and information for the Team RadioShack Cycling 2012 race team and riders here. or who recognises the individuals in the CCTV images to call officers.

“We believe that the family may have been targeted and are keen to hear from anyone who have witnessed the crimes or who can help us identify the young people in the images,” he said.

We are sure that someone will know who these youngsters are and would urge anyone with information to call us.

“We have stepped up patrols and have placed mobile cameras around the area in a bid to tackle the anti-social behaviour and would urge anyone who may be suffering similar crimes to contact us.

“We will take your calls seriously and act on any information given.”

If anyone has any information in connection with the attacks that could help the inquiry, they are urged to call police on 101 or alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously.
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