The vinyl sleeve is made of two pieces of plastic, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), has been sealed together using heat or RF (RF). Two pieces of plastic package together, the three sides form a bracket and can be used to store various (mainly flat) articles or documents. The most common use of vinyl sleeve is to protect the page, showing the menu or cover, sleeve, card box. The plastic sleeve is the preferred presentation materials as they are very clear, low distortion, and are impervious to water. Many environmental factors this file protection which is why this set of commonly used file.

A moment on 'archival safe'. It is important to note that most plastics are not archival safe. In fact, many to most of the products that are represented as 'archival safe' would not be considered so by archivists. For pictures and many printed materials, you will find the best success using polyethylene(PE or Tyvek(DuPont)), polypropylene(PP), polyester(Mylar(DuPont)) or acid-free vinyl. Any of these will reduce (or prevent) the transfer of the image to the plastics or damage to the materials from the out gassing of regular plastics.

Vinyl sleeves and envelopes come in a variety of sizes, colors, and thicknesses but generally, the clear plastic sleeves are made in 6 gauge to 10 gauge clear plastic. The desired color and finish of the material is usually determined by the application. For example, when the vinyl sleeves are used for presentation materials, document storage and collector pieces the vinyl sleeves are clear or polished clear. The materials provide storage and protection for the document or article while offering a package that is waterproof and has very low visual distortion. This allows the materials or documents within the pocket to be read or reviewed freely without direct contact which can be important to preserving a coin, a document, or valuable item. For more challenging environments or applications, such as holding a menu, the vinyl sleeve may be purchased with a thicker plastic so that the packaging may be more durable.

Vinyl sleeves are a great way to showcase your presentation. By using the polished clear vinyl sleeves, you can add weight to your documents and add that 'polished' look to your graphics within the presentation. We have all been taught that things that are shiny are usually valuable and that things that are dull are not. Consider that the photographic papers have been using glossy finishes on their papers to add impact of the images printed on them. Where you are not going to use photographic paper for your document, the title page can be showcased within a polished cover to highlight that this document is important enough to read and is valuable enough to protect.

Related readingTransparent plastic packaging  printed plastic packaging





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