I don't usually think of myself as a neat freak, but when it comes to children, I find a strict routine towards storage artwork and toys to be essential. The easiest way I've found is to purchase a series of clear plastic box of different sizes, and label them to make sure the right things go in the right places.


I purchased about a dozen of the bins, and made sure that they were all stackable on top of each other. The brand I got has the kinds of lids that click together, so they won't fall when trying to carry several of them at once. This makes moving them around the room simple, so if we need to get a certain game out, or set of toys, we can just grab the box they're stored in and leave the rest in the closet. This also makes cleanup a snap too.


I also keep my child's homework in storage bins too, as a simple way to keep them for the future. When I was young my mother attempted to keep all my art and homework in cardboard boxes, which worked okay but some of them ended up getting thrown out by mistake when we were moving years later. By using clear bins, it's easy to see what's inside them so that doesn't happen. By getting a box that's just a bit bigger than a piece of paper, we can also keep everything flat, with no risk of anything getting smashed, torn, or creased.


I have made my life each easier by using clear plastic storage boxes to keep my child's toys, art, and homework safe and tidy, and I would recommend you to consider them for yourself. Life will be complicated enough once you have a child in your life. So why not make this a little simpler?


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