Everyone has a place where they put those things that don't go anywhere else-often a drawer set aside for throwing stuff into. The things that go into this "junk drawer" are often too small to have a designated space on a shelf or countertop, but they're still things you need. The only problem is, when you go to find them again, it's almost impossible. Everything is so jumbled up in there that you can't tell where things are, what you have, or what you need.

Clear Plastic Containers Could Be the Answer

But what if some of that stuff had a place, a Clear boxes that kept things organized so that you could actually find them when you needed them? You could have small containers for batteries, decks of cards, cake candles, matches, tape, erasers, thumbtacks, string, stamps, post-it notes, post cards, notepads, emergency candles, or small tools such as box cutters or mini-screwdrivers. You could have medium sized containers for rope, twine, bungee cords, tools, phone books, or any of the host of larger things that end up in that catch-all place. Stackable containers or clear fishbowls with or without lids could serve to make your life that much easier in those moments when you need something, but don't have time to search through your junk drawer to find it.

Attractive and Easy to Clean

Clear plastic containers are attractive, too, and can line up along the kitchen counter (or wherever you keep your miscellaneous items) in an orderly and organized way. They can be decorated with colored plastic wrap, paint pens, stickers or materials, so that they match your kitchen, dining room, or whatever convenient room you've decided to place them in. Cleaning that room will become easier, since all you have to do is wipe down the plastic with a damp cloth, or even fluff over it with a feather duster. It's a lot easier to lift a few clear plastic containers than to undertake the monumental task of cleaning out the junk drawer!


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