Gravure and letterpress printing methods are two important plastic packaging materials, they are widely used in Printed Plastic Packaging.

Toppan Printing is mainly in the plastic packaging flexographic printing more applications, primarily printed plastic film. Letterpress printing plates printed portion thereof is higher than the blank portion, and all parts are printed on the same plane, while printing, the printed portion coated with the ink, because a blank portion is lower than the printing portion, the adhesion of the ink Chung, then printing was in contact with the plate, and to a certain pressure, the transfer printing portion of the printing plate to the substrate to obtain a printed product. Letterpress printing surface has unevenness inconspicuous, which is a relief print characteristics.

Flexographic relief printing is the main force, widely used in newspapers, books, packaging and showed growing trend, such as carton printing, packaging printing, plastic printing, foil printing, napkins, toilet paper, facial tissue and printing.

Gravure advantage is the high print quality, bright colors, solid ink, clear picture level, high resistance to Indian forces, but the high cost of the plate, long cycle.

Gravure is also called intaglio. Graphic part of the intaglio blank section below. Depression related degree with hierarchical image, that image is darker, deeper depth, printing, layout first applied ink, ink Daogua go on a blank part of the layout of the ink, the ink only remains in the depressed graphic section, and then under the pressure of the printing ink is transferred to the substrate to obtain prints. Since the recessed different shades, so the amount of ink is different, the printing ink thickness is not the same. Ink many places it is concentrated color, light color inks few places, thereby reproducing tonal gradation images.

Gravure is widely used in large quantities of printed pieces, such as paper packaging, magazines, newspapers, plastic packaging, as well as securities, stamps and so on. Gravure because of the color saturation, rich image gradation, printed on the packaging account for a large market share.

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