The rise of the modern supermarket was supposed to sound the death knell to small suburban outlets, and in some cases this did happen. However, consumers are always looking for choice, and the local fruit shop and greengrocer did survive and thrive in many places. The competition between the fruit section of the supermarket and the local shop saw both outlets courting the consumer with pricing adjustments, creative ways of displaying the produce and packaging alternatives that reduced the use of the brown paper bag to mushrooms and not much else. Consumers would no longer accept packaging that didn't protect the fruit from bruising.

Food packaging suppliers have serviced this market by developing packaging products which offer the consumer an alternative to cans. There are pros and cons for both methods of packaging, depending on things like storage facilities, length of time elapsed from purchase to use, and the way the product will be used e.g. as a fresh snack or as part of a cooked or chilled recipe.

Fresh fruit in plastic packaging can be seen through the clear plastic, giving consumers the opportunity to look at the quality and size of the items before purchase. The fruit can be stored in the refrigerator in the packaging, often trays or small containers that either lie flat, or stack on top of one another, saving space in the refrigerator and extending the life of the product. Perfect for school lunches, a piece of fruit can be placed into the lunch box without any preparation, and taken out and eaten as required. There are no cans to open or sharp edges for small fingers to touch.

Packaging suppliers have been quick to recognize the benefits of placing all kinds of fruit in different packaging to suit the size and shape. For example, strawberries are usually purchased in a clear plastic box with a lid, while large, soft fruits such as plums, peaches or nectarines are on trays covered by plastic wrap.

While there is no doubt that canned fruit has its place, for convenience, nutrition, taste and ease of preparation, fresh fruit is still the preferred choice for snacks, lunches and desserts.

Related reading: printed plastic packaging Clear Plastic Boxes

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