Few places evoke the active mountain lifestyle like Jackson, Wyoming. One of my all-time favorite destinations, Jackson is home to arguably the single best ski resort in the nation, but surprisingly, it is one of the only major ski towns that is even busier in summer than winter. That’s because it is the gateway to both Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, and has world-class fly fishing in every direction, endless hiking and mountain biking, and extensive rock and mountain climbing.
Jackson has long attracted avid recreational athletes, and thus has long been a breeding ground for manufacturers catering to this niche, including Mountain Khakis and most notably Cloudveil. Cloudveil made very high quality and durable ski and active outdoor gear, but with a bit of a fashionable and Old West edge, making it very popular among mountain town residents – my wife still has an original pair of their ski pants and they have held up great over the years. But a few years ago, founder Stephen Sullivan sold the company, which is now part of private equity group that owns other skiwear manufacturers. To a lot of the people I know in the ski industry and in the big mountain towns, the mass marketing of Cloudveil cost the brand cache, and Sullivan apparently feels the same way. A release for his new company describes his belief that the label “was taken in a direction that Sulli was dissatisfied with.”
So he did what so many disaffected entrepreneurs do after selling their creation off – he started a new one. For Sullivan, Stio, just launched last month, rolls back the clock (with the latest cutting edge materials) and is also based in Jackson Hole, embracing “mountain lifestyle.” Or as the company puts it, “It’s less about what you aspire to be or do while wearing Stio clothing and more about how it functions as apparel to wear for both your most laid back and adventurous moments. This ‘mountain lifestyle’ is certainly the Jackson vibe, and Stio is the embodiment of this way of life throughout the product line, with products being named for local spots and Jackson lore.”
After a couple of years of fund raising, research and development, the company just launched its sales last month (September 2012) in time for the ski and holiday season. Outside Magazine quickly featured Stio’s lineup as “hot gear” in its gear and merchandise blog and gave it very favorable reviews. The line isn’t that big yet but covers a wide variety of styles, from hard-core waterproof, breathable technical alpine ski and climbing apparel to cozy thick down jackets and hipper styles modeled on work clothes and uniforms – think Carhartt meets soft shells and high-tech synthetic insulation. Likewise the pants line includes rugged ski wear, jeans and corduroy. There are lines for men, women, and children, as well as accessories.
Since several top outdoor gear companies outgrew their clientele with missteps such as designing fashion-forward clothing never intended for an actual active audience or manufacturing lower quality apparel solely to be sold in “Factory outlet” stores and otherwise cheapening the brands, I was intrigued enough by the news of the launch to contact the company. In my writing on skiing and other outdoor sports I get to use and abuse a lot of technical clothing, and in recent years I have been increasingly unimpressed even as prices have spiraled out of control, with un-insulated shell ski jackets running $500-$1000 no longer an exception. My take is that the European brands, especially the Swiss, have gained the quality dominance in the field and personally the only ski and technical clothing I have bought in recent years is Swiss-made, so I was eager to see Stio.
They sent me a sample of their “Lofted Sky Jacket,” a good example of the fast growing category of lighter, insulated, very thin “puffy” jackets that can be worn either as a thermal underlayer or on its own. If it were down, it would be called a “down sweater” in the trade but it is Primaloft Synergy-filled with a durable water resistant coating, so Stio calls it a “transition” jacket, suitable for multiple uses including on its own. Unfortunately, everywhere I’ve been since the jacket arrived has been upwards of 70°, so I haven’t been able to test it is any meaningful way, but I do like the design – it has great pockets, all of which securely zipper, Velcro cuff cinches, and a well-integrated hidden waist drawstring. It looks and fits well, is incredibly light and crushable, and is definitely something I will take while traveling to a cooler climate, urban or mountain, here or abroad, thanks to its ultra-portability and secure pockets.
- Oct 09 Tue 2012 10:15
Jackson Hole's New Outdoor Apparel Company Dresses You For Skiing, Mountain, And Urban Lifestyle