Hundreds of people gathered at Lincoln High School on Sunday for a Veterans Day ceremony. The ceremony honored our Nation's veterans, like Claude Hone. For 92-year-old Hone, Sunday was a special day. He wore his bomber jacket - the same one he received when he dedicated his life to serving our country exactly 71 years ago.

“I was in the Marine Corp. as an enlisted man and then one day they said they needed pilots desperately so I raised my hand and ten minutes later I was in combat,” said Hone.

The program featured a presentation of flags, a performance by the Singing Legionnaires of American Legion Post 15 and a keynote address made by Major John Friedman of the South Dakota Air National Guard.

“One of the things that people often forget is that the men and women serving in uniforms right now are still veterans and are making all the sacrifices that the greatest generation of previous veterans have made,” said Friedman.

Friedman said it was important to recognize not only those veterans that were there, but those who are not able to be.

“This is our constant reminder that a lot of us have struggles around the world and we come home with scars, but there are a lot of men and women that never come home,” said Friedman.

For Hone, the day was about remembering those who impacted his life the most in his 4 years of service.

“The friends I made. The friends I made that are forever friends,” said Hone.

The ceremony was sponsored by the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce Military and Veterans Affairs Commitee and other local veterans organizations.

Judy Garland's blue pinafore she wore in “The Wizard of Oz” has sold for $480,000.

Auction house Julien's Auctions says the gingham dress fetched the highest price of any item during a two-day auction of Hollywood memorabilia that attracted bids from around the world. The auction ended Saturday in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Steve McQueen's racing jacket sold for $50,000, as did a purple skirt worn by Marilyn Monroe while filming “River of No Return” in Canada. Julie Andrews' “Sound of Music dress” brought $38,400.

Sunglasses worn by Jean Reno in “Leon” went for $8,320, while Johnny Depp's shades fetched $3,250.

Bidders also snapped up pieces of royal wedding cakes. Prince William and Kate Middleton's cake sold for $7,500 while Prince Charles and Princess Diana's cake sold for $1,375.

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