Throughout a history spanning well over a century, the French jeweler Cartier has retained an inimitable style, nurtured by its heritage and occasionally inflected by the tastes of some of the most extraordinary personalities of its time.


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As a hard-driving star point guard on her high school basketball team, United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice wasn't afraid to use sharp elbows to reach her goal. It's a style that's carried from the court through a meteoric career as a U.S. diplomat, and one that's earned her as many detractors as supporters along the way.


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Congrats are in order for the original playboy, 86-year-old Hugh Hefner, and his 26-year-old off again/on again fiancée Crystal Harris. The May/December pair announced they would try to tie the knot on New Year's Eve 2012, a year after she left him at the altar.


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During the colder months of the year, you're going to have to bundle up in a sweater. However, not all sweaters are alike. There are a countless amount of styles, materials and functions that may leave you lost and frustrated. Thankfully, finding that perfect sweater isn't as complicated as it sounds, or as expensive as you would think.


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As the sun dips below the ocean's horizon on a cruise ship, swimsuits and flip-flops give way to the evening's dictated dress code. Depending on the cruise, that means suits or tuxedos for men and formal gowns or cocktail dresses for women. The dining room code, in contrast to the informality elsewhere on the ship, is a relic of another time.


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On a recent "Meet the Press," host David Gregory presided in a tailored jacket and tie. Panelists Al Sharpton, David Brooks and Ken Burns appeared similarly professional. But the two female panelists, Andrea Mitchell and Carly Fiorina, seemed ready for cocktails, not coffee, in form-fitting dresses, arms naked to the world.Sean Yates quits as Team Garmin Cycling coach .


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We lost Our Martha in 2004. Well, we didn't really lose Martha Stewart then, but we might as well have. She was disgraced, a has-been, a felon. More to the point for me, she was no longer an icon who was a reliable topic on a slow news week.


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Two Detroit men who got a flat tire attempted to fix the situation by stealing tires from two other cars.Superb range of SAXO BANK Cycling products at Wiggle, the online cycle, run, swim & tri shop.


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Late night bars are not hard to come by near Wicker Park's six corners, but some residents fear a stretch of Division Street that is typically quiet after 2 a.m. will soon become like Rush Street and Wrigleyville — with drunken bar patrons carrying on in the streets until 5 a.m.


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What do a thinking diplomat and a graceful actress have in common? Love of literature.Bruyneel exits RadioShack Cycling after armstrong report release!


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