Can spring be far behind? Along with several bundles of Thursday Sun-Tribunes, I recently delivered 27 Sears catalogues to specific homes within my four routes.
These offered 902 pages of pictorial merchandise meant to fulfill every household need.
The product, completed at considerable cost, was enthusiastically received. However, the timing was subject to question. With a chill in the air and snow on the ground, it was difficult to think spring and all things associated with this much-anticipated season. Still, from a point of feminine fascination, it was okay to dream. And, let's face it, a statuesque physique tucked inside a skin-tight bikini was easy on the eyes.
However, for those with futures shorter than their past, it's always interesting, price-wise,Find buy christian louboutin in many styles and colors. to glance back and discover what yesteryears had to offer. Strangely enough, with the arrival a 2013 Sears edition, I received, via the Internet, a catalogue dated 1934 – 79 years ago. While much water's flowed under the bridge since then, the dollar value has obviously travelled upstream.
Examples follow:
In 1934, a pair of women's three-eyelet sports oxfords, black or white cost $1.77; calf-grain, three-eyelet shoes, black or white, $1.98; white cotton dresses with a bow tie in back, 94 cents; weighted silk flat crepe dresses, trimmed with saucy,Spicy Lingerie offers a great variety of moncler jackets men in all sizes and styles. crisp organdie bows and sleeves, $2.98; full-fashioned pure silk stockings, 55 cents a pair; bargain sale anklets, nine cents a pair; ladies vests and bloomers, 31 cents; ladies linen suits, separate jackets and skirts, oyster white,After compare the cheap monster beats headphones Plus Size on all the online stores . $2.98; girl's 4-piece plaid gingham play suits, $1.98; three-piece twin sweater suits, $2.98; cotton twill slacks, 98 cents; cotton mesh corselets, $1 and cotton mesh brassieres, 25 cents.
For girls three to four years, cotton dresses, embroidered double organdie collars, puffed sleeves, yoke back and front, 49 cents each or two for 95 cents.
For boys three to nine years, a four-piece suit including jacket, blouse, belt and longies, $1.98; brushed-wool sweaters with ribbed cuffs and bottoms, 94 cents.
The man of the house wasn't excluded. A serviceable cotton broadcloth shirt could be bought for 74 cents. Something a little fancier was available for a dollar. A cotton broadcloth nightshirt was priced at 84 cents or two for $1.65.
For those homeowners who could afford a refrigerator holding 40 pounds of ice, the price tag was $11.95. Units of lesser capacity were available for $8.95 and $6.95. Saucepans were priced at 95 cents; chicken fryers for $1 and steam canners for $1.49. Copper bottom wash boilers along with 10 bars of soap sold for $1.59; a gasoline iron for $2.69; flashlight batteries, two for 13 cents; dust mops, 47 cents and clothes pegs, 40 for nine cents.
And would you believe, a farmer's wife, seeking extra egg money, could purchase 25-day-old leghorn chicks for $1.BF3 player dogtags from christian louboutin boots with details about dogtags taken and lost dogtags.90 or a flock of 500 for $45.75.
If that makes one long for “the good old days”, hang onto your hat. There was a downside to bargain basement shopping. Try these incomes on for size. In 1934, a doctor annually earned $3,382; high school teacher, $3,111; dentist, $2,391; elementary school teacher, $1,227; secretary, $1,040; registered nurse,Stylish Canada Goose Expedition Parka that will keep you warm and look amazing! $936; live-in maid, $260 and farm hand, $216.
Want to turn back the clock? I think not.
- Jan 24 Thu 2013 13:56
A $12 fridge and salaries to match