Nobody likes waiting a long time for food or a table at a restaurant. It's normal, in that situation, to get grouchy. But one customer at a Denny's in San Antonio allegedly got so upset when he was made to wait that he became downright Grinch-y -- and firehappy. 

According a report by local NBC affiliate WOAI, embedded above, the man set fire to the Christmas tree in the I-35 location of Denny's before fleeing the scene. Police are pursuing the arsonist, with the help of Denny's surveillance footage,Castelli Cycling but haven't yet been able to identify him. 

ABC affiliate KVUE reports that the man was upset because he had to wait too long for his check. But given that he allegedly caused $150,000 in damage, it's possible that the police have a much, much bigger check in store for him when he's caught. 

The grandfather carries Buddha Boy on his back up the stairs. He takes him to class, where the kids practice a Special Olympics game.RadioShack Cycling Squares are drawn on the classroom floor, and students jump from square to square. The Buddha Boy raises his arms, and the grandfather holds his hands, lifting him into each square. The teachers cheer. 

I don't see the grandfather every day. When I do, it's for seconds at a time. And yet I admire him. I admire his devotion. I envy it. I envy his dedication and commitment; his determined, unyielding love. 

In his book "Stumbling on Happiness," Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychology professor, determined that most parents aren't happy when dealing with their kids. That's because parenting is work. Tiring, stressful, frequently irritating work. And yet many parents say their most profoundly happy moments involve their children: a transcendental happiness that extends beyond the day-to-day. 

For all the burdens the grandfather must suffer, I know he has experienced transcendental happiness. In his own mellow, mild way, he exudes it. 

So here is my final memory of the Dancer. After he runs around the room, shouting, arms flailing -- knocking down books from a shelf -- a teacher rearranges the desks to confine him. Making the best of his detention, he contemplates a puzzle, attempting to put shapes -- circle, square, triangle -- into corresponding slots.Garmin Cycling It's a puzzle my 3-year-old nephew can manage in minutes, but the Dancer, a third grader, is stumped. He puts the square against the circle. The circle against the triangle. Then, aggravated or bored, he chews it. 

Next we play with plastic blocks -- like Legos, but flatter and curved. They connect at their ends like jigsaw pieces and we link them in a long squiggle across the desk. And then he does something amazing: he connects the pieces vertically, building up instead of out. 

I'm stunned. It never occurred to me build up. Your instinct is to connect them flat. Moments ago he failed a puzzle a 2-year-old could handle, now he's thinking in an original, inventive way. 

And maybe that's the secret. To solve the puzzle that's life, we find new ways to fit the pieces. 

The Dancer and I both have amazing women in our lives. I will never meet his mother, but she's a single mom raising an autistic child. And I am so lucky to have my wife. We've known each other since sixth grade, we've been married 20 years, and as I walk Xi'an's packed streets, I'll repeatedly think, I'll have to come back with Julie.Specialized Cycling Like I haven't really been here if she isn't with me. 

I'd wondered how I could live up to my father's life when I'm not a father myself. But we live up to those who shaped us by honoring their strongest values, by caring for those we cherish, and caring for those that they cherished.SAXO BANK Cycling By helping others succeed, as Dad once said. 

I smile at the Dancer. He seems unaware that his puzzle construction is somehow unique. 

"That's excellent," I tell him. "Really smart thinking." 

I hope that despite his blank expression he can see how happy I am, and see me applauding, and somehow understand.

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