A BBC reporter stands in Tel Aviv in a flak jacket and a helmet reporting on the latest war on Gaza.Some SAXO BANK Cycling produces a contemporary look employing subtly cinched hips in addition thinner phrases over the course of. The reports are dedicated almost entirely to the “awful” Palestinians and their rocket barrages on Israel. The camera then pans to the sky to show Israel’s “Iron Dome” missiles intercept the odd unguided rocket fired by Hamas in response to the wholesale massacre of Palestinians in the overcrowded Gaza Strip. The entire news report has been transformed into free advertising for Israeli military industries.


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The first man to accuse former forensic psychiatrist Dr. Aubrey Levin of sexual assault testified on Thursday that the abuse began shortly after he began visiting the doctor in 2001.


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When I first started riding in Seattle, I was pretty intimidated. I assumed that I needed to buy a brand new bike, a bright green jacket, and padded spandex bike shorts. I just wanted to ride my bike to work and the Sunday Market without making a big fuss about it.


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Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion. It’s an age-old principle that is at the heart of a new adidas SLVR collection inspired by martial arts, Fight Club, and the human physique.


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When Stephanie Lewis heard that the men had returned to thiscorner, she left her house right away.


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Theory's sophisticated design and Uniqlo's super-affordable down jackets have come together in one glorious, ultra-warm capsule collection called T Down. And though it will launch officially on November 15 in Theory stores and Theory.com, Racked readers (you!) can shop it right now, two days early, through this exclusive link.


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POLICE are hunting a cyclist who punched a woman and grabbed her handbag as he rode past her.


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Hundreds of people gathered at Lincoln High School on Sunday for a Veterans Day ceremony. The ceremony honored our Nation's veterans, like Claude Hone. For 92-year-old Hone, Sunday was a special day. He wore his bomber jacket - the same one he received when he dedicated his life to serving our country exactly 71 years ago.


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The average guy can't swing a dead Lolcat on the Internets these days without hitting an e-commerce company touting made-to-measure or otherwise customized-in-some-way dress shirts, suits, or trousers. Want a nice-looking button-down, fresh suit or pair of slacks in just the right size? If you're a guy, no problem. All you need are a few standard measurements, and you're clicks away from, say, a crisp new shirt from Blank Label, a three-piece suit from Indochino or a pair of wool dress pants from Modern Tailor, among many other choices.


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It was a victory party fit for the 1 percent.


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