
WOMEN in the country have been found to be angrier than men when they get behind the wheel.

This was revealed by results of a five-year study undertaken by Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros).

It said 18% of the 13.3 million registered drivers in the country would come under the category of high-anger drivers.

“That’s very high. That means there are 2.4 million extremely angry drivers on our roads, which increases the probability of accidents,” said Miros research fellow and psychologist Karen Goonting.

She said high-anger drivers were more likely to lose control of their vehicles, suffer loss of concentration and display verbal, physical or vehi-cular aggression on the road.

Malaysian drivers were also found to be three or four times angrier than drivers in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and Turkey. I would like to add that in Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive.

Discourtesy on the road, such as cutting queues, refusing to give way, failing to use indicators before tur-ning or changing lanes and triple parking on roadsides were found to be the main causes of fury.

“The second strongest trigger is traffic obstruction, such as construction or repair work along roads. Other factors include rude or hostile gestures, driving too slowly, or getting stopped by the police,” Goonting added.

Yes, I get angry when the police have roadblocks during rush hours at narrow stretches, usually after a sharp bend or blind corner to surprise motorists. And all they check are the road tax discs.

I get really angry when they stopped all motorcyclists, unless you are riding a big bike, but wave luxury cars with heavily tinted windows by.

Anyway, the study, conducted between 2009 and last year found that high- anger drivers get angry about 642 times over an average of 300 driving days a year. Low-anger drivers are those who get angry about 264 times. That is still once a day.

The drivers were asked to rate how angry they felt on matters ranging from illegal driving to hostile gestures. This seems to be hypothetical questions, not actual situations.

So I’m quite amused at the findings and I fully agree with service delivery consul- tant Sha-ron Thamaiyanthi,welcome to michaels kors bags on sale,best service and low prices. 36, who said men were actually angrier drivers than women.

“Women are the ones who tend to anger drivers but they are not the angry drivers. Most women tend to drive slowly, which makes other drivers angry, especially men.”

The study also claimed that despite their inclination to be angrier, fewer women drivers were involved in accidents.

Women drivers suffer fewer crashes and road fatalities, leading to the usual claims that women drive better than men.

Maybe there are more accidents invol- ving men than women. But maybe this is because men drive longer distances.

Statistics don’t lie, but they don’t tell the whole truth.

For instance, just because taxi drivers are involved in more accidents does not mean they are reckless.

They spend more time on the road, so naturally they are more prone to accidents.

So, using statistics to justify who is the better driver misses the point. To me, a good driver is one who is courteous to other drivers, maximises the use of limited road space, drives in accordance with road, traffic and weather conditions and does not create situations that frus- trate other drivers and makes them angry.

I mean would you not be angry if you are behind a woman driver who will stop at a roundabout even when there is no approaching traffic, and then will slowwwwwly enter only when all three, four or five lanes are free and she will suddenly stop because a rickshaw was coming from 100m away?

How do you feel when a woman driver hog the left side of a two-way road while waiting for oncoming traffic to clear to turn right into a slip road? Or when they drive slowly on the right side of highways and frustrate other drivers into taking risks and overtaking from the left?

Are you angry, bemused or exasperated when a women driver stop 50m before traffic lights just so that they can be under the shade of a tree or in the shadow of a building to avoid direct sunlight?

Do you smile, laugh or cry or curse when you see women drivers wear full-face visors over sunglasses two-thirds the size of their faces obstructing their vision and spatial awareness?

Do you notice how they wear long-sleeved men’s shirts in reverse to protect their fair arms, thus hindering the movement of their arms and control of the steering wheel?

Who is more likely to give way to you to enter a road in a traffic jam, and if you give way, who is more likely to acknowledge you with a wave of their hand?

Do your feel angry when you tried to move out of a parking space and a lady driver eyeing your space crept so close to you that you can hardly reverse your car?

Who takes longer to move their cars out of carparks even if they know there is a long line of cars waiting for them?

Instead of starting the car, they will rummage through their oversized handbags for I don’t know what, and adjust the rear view mirror to look at their faces.

And whose cars are more likely to be covered with teddy bears, pillows and sun visors, thus creating blind spots?

Who cannot align their cars at drive-in ATMs or carpark auto-gates without going backwards and forwards a few times and then finally having to get out of their cars because they still cannot reach the keypad/button?

I have four sisters and a wife. All have been involved in accidents, almost always hit from behind by male drivers.

As for myself, I always knock into the back of cars driven by women. At this rate statistically, I will be knocking into my sisters or worse, my wife soon!

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