The G-rated tour routes of the legendary warship are clearly marked with tape or paint.They take visitors to awesome 16-inch guns, feared by enemies from World War II through combat actions in Korea, Vietnam, and Lebanon. They head to Tomahawk missiles, the navigation bridge, and the captain's quarters. 

But visitors who come to the Battleship New Jersey for its monthly adult twilight tours are taken off the beaten track to see another side of the sailors' lives.Thursday night, they eyed a 5-by-5-foot painting of a Navy boiler man posing, as the curator said, with two "anatomically correct" women - one of many risqu artworks tucked away in the 887-foot ship's hidden nooks. 

They saw the photos of a Playboy bunny perched on the barrel of a big deck gun for a magazine photo shoot as sailors looked on before their 1968 deployment to Vietnam.And they heard stories about "Line Crossing" ceremonies - a kind of lewd hazing of sailors crossing the equator for the first time - and about a seaman fatally stabbing another, then leaving his body in a dumbwaiter, oozing blood. 

"It's part of the history of this ship," Lou Orth, 68, of Galloway Township, told The Philadelphia Inquirer after viewing the artwork. "These men were away from home before coed shipping."Orth's wife, Pat,wholesale china Bench Outerwear Yoga Clothes sale from homepage. 66, rolled her eyes. "Boys will be boys," she said."Clearly, that won't be on anybody's front page," Trish Weber, 61, of Barrington, said when she saw one of the images. 

The images and stories are not for children. The 17 tour-goers had to be at least 21 years old and were offered an adult beverage at the end,cheap Coach Grade Sunglasses as an orange-colored sunset silhouetted the Philadelphia skyline. 

"With 55,000 men living aboard this ship during nearly every significant combat period in the 20th century, you are going to get some interesting artwork and stories you just can't share with everyone touring the battleship," said ship curator Jason Hall, who conducted the first tour last month.Buy cheap Dsquared Long Sleeve T-Shirts, Custom Fit Stripe Shirt and more. "So we are offering adults the chance to experience the ship in a bit more explicit way than our daytime tours." 

In its heyday, "Big J," the most decorated battleship in U.S. history, was a floating city with a post office where sailors picked up 1,300 pounds of mail a day; a convenience store where they bought candy and toiletries; an operating room; sick bay; pharmacy; medical laboratory; dental office; mess hall; machine shops; and TV studio. 

I had been sitting there for a while thinking that we were getting a raw deal out of the federal government in our region. Talking to a lot of people, they agreed with me.So I decided at the end of the day, somebody had to put their hand up and it was my opportunity to put my hand up and speak out about the things that concern me. 

Things like the impact the federal government of the last six years has had on the cost of living of families and the pressures its placing on business. I think the lack of attention to our region has been a real concern. At the end of the day Ive decided to put my hand up and try and make some changes there. 

I think basically it comes down to letting business get on with business. Weve seen a government that has put a lot of impost on business. My mindset and the Coalitions mindset is to remove those imposts, so well do the things that are quite easy to do, which is to remove the carbon tax. Were going to cut the company tax rate, were going to create a stable economy and get the budget back under control. These are all the things that foster a strong,welcome to buy men's G-Star Jeans&Pants sale,Free shipping‎! healthy economy and that allows business to get on with what theyre doing. We want to reduce regulation red tape to again remove those barriers for businesses to do well and to grow and to invest back into businesses and to invest in their personnel and grow the number of jobs that are out there. 

Were committed over the next four years to the proposed funding for schools, but what I thinks lacking is, or the key point of difference is, that we dont need another centralised bureaucracy in Canberra to run education. The states have got the mandate to run education and I think the people best placed to determine how money should be spent in schools,Buy high quality oakley Grade AAA sunglasses, Custom Fit Stripe Shirt and more. and what schools need is the schools themselves and the communities within those schools. Absolutely we need better investment into education, but we need to allow the schools to determine what it is they need, as opposed to someone in Canberra dictating what it is. 

I think there are a number of priorities for Ballarat in relation to infrastructure. Ballarat is a broad electorate. I think there are issues down around the Bacchus Marsh area in particular with heavy trucks through the main street. 

When you look at Ballarat central here, I think we need to be a bit more ambitious in our thinking. I have long been an advocate for an exhibition and entertainment space in Ballarat, 3500 square metres of exhibition and entertainment space that could have a grandstand attached for Eureka Stadium, so I think thats a project that needs to be put back on the table and looked at very closely. Weve got sporting facilities that need upgrades. We need to look at inter connectivity with the rest of the areas around Ballarat through rail and road as well.

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