A MAROOCHYDORE businessman has been advised to spend $1000 getting approval for a sign worth a few hundred dollars.The approval is one of a list of hoops that Danny's Desks and Chairs proprietor Lee Moore found he would have to jump through for the Sunshine Coast Regional Council after a building audit. 

Mr Moore said council red tape was forcing business people like him to waste time solving silly problems at great cost."Yes, there's a certain amount of accountability, but I think there also needs to be a certain amount of common sense as well," he said.Mr Moore said the 1m by 1.8m sign on the roof of his business had only cost him a few hundred dollars.But he was told that he would have to pay a $711 application fee to the council to get approval for it. He was also advised to have a town planner lodge the application on his behalf, which he said would cost about $350. 

"If I've got to employ someone else to lodge the form for me, doesn't that tell you something about how difficult the paperwork is?" he said.The audit also required weeds be removed, a stake holding a tree be pulled out, and a bike rack be installed at the building - another requirement that left Mr Moore shaking his head. 

"I'm a furniture store. If somebody was to come around and ride away with a desk or a chair on the back of their bike, I'd give it to them for free because it would be that impressive," Mr Moore said.Mr Moore said he would comply with all requirements, but said the council's requirements went beyond common sense.He said he supported Mayor Mark Jamieson and the council's push to lure businesses to the Coast, but said more needed to be done to smooth a path for small businesses. 

"I supported Mark in the early days when he was going through the election phase and I still do..."I don't know where it's going wrong. Why, down the chain, you've got all these guys walking around antagonising people for little things," he said.A council spokesman confirmed that an audit at the Danny's Desks and Chairs premises had identified the bike rack, signage approval, and minor landscaping work for follow-up.wholesale High quality Armani business suit from www.googbusiness.com homepage. 

The spokesman said the audits were part of the council's "best practice approach" to development.Another council representative referred the Daily to Cr Russell Green, who holds the regional planning portfolio,Buy buy cheap Lululemon Outerwear Yoga Clothes, Custom Fit Stripe Shirt and more. rather than the mayor for comment.Cr Green said he did not know the Danny's Desks and Chairs site or its development approvals, but it would be a "free for all" if there were no rules - and the council generally tried to help businesses follow them."I can't provide a comment on a specific case, but council does everything it can to make it easy for business to be able to comply," he said. 

Mr Abbott is likely to make the announcement alongside his small business spokesman Bruce Billson in the electorate of Bennelong - held by Liberal MP John Alexander - and which Labor is keen to win back from the Coalition after Kevin Rudd recruited Jason Yat-sen Li to run as the candidate. 

The announcement will also coincide with the arrival of the southern hemisphere's largest mobile billboard known as "Skyboard" to Sydney as part of the NSW Business Chamber's pre-election campaign - "Small business, too big too ignore".Central to the Coalition's pitch today is a promise to elevate the standing of the portfolio by ensuring it becomes a key Treasury responsibility and that a small business minister remains in cabinet. 

Decisions taken in Treasury that affect tax and regulatory policy as well as fiscal strategy will need to take into consideration the needs of small business operators, with the number of private sector jobs being provided by small business having dropped from about 53 per cent at the end of the Howard government to about 43 per cent today. 

Mr Abbott will use the announcement to ram home key Coalition initiatives to boost small business activity, including his promise to cut $1 billion in red and green tape costs every year, reduce the company tax rate and undertake a root a and branch review of the competition framework.welcome to Coach Grade AAA Sunglasses,free Shipping available. Buy Now!‎The policy will also say that where there are standard form contracts with unfair "take it or leave it terms" a small business can seek relief as if they were consumers from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission.Buy high quality Bench Outerwear Yoga Clothes, Custom Fit Stripe Shirt and more. 

Under the strategy, government agencies will be forced to pay small business bills within 30 days or risk facing additional interest,wholesale buy Dsquared Long Sleeve T-Shirts from www.googbusiness.com homepage. a small business ombudsman will be established and small businesses will be provided with a seat at the B20.The small business sector carries considerable electoral clout, with a majority of small business operators having voted for Kevin Rudd in the 2007 election with the Coalition looking to decisively win back the sector in September. 

There are roughly two million small businesses in Australia, employing more than seven million Australians with representatives of the NSW Business Chamber Board of Directors and management poised to meet today with small business operators following the arrival of the "Skyboard" which has more than 300sqm of advertising space. 

Mr Billson told The Australian the success of small businesses and family enterprises was critical to the success of the national economy and attacked Labor's treatment of the portfolio, with six ministers having served in the role since 2007."I'm facing my sixth small business minister," Mr Billson said, listing them as Craig Emerson, Nick Sherry, Mark Arbib, Brendan O'Connor, Chris Bowen and the latest incumbent, Gary Gray. 

"Labor has consistently ignored the interest and issues of small business men and women. They deserve a whole lot more respect and a positive plan to support their success and a government as committed and working as hard for that success as they are," he said.Mr Abbott will use the announcement as an opportunity to demonstrate his economic credentials, his commitment to creating one million new jobs within five years and attack Labor for introducing new and costly regulation.

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