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On a January night in 2004, MaryAnne Connor sat chilled in her little cottage in White Rock, haunted by the thought of homeless people shivering out on the snowy streets.


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The lows included the considerable time justices spent wrangling over whether the Yes on 8 supporters of Proposition 8, California’s ban on same-sex marriage, have proper legal standing to appeal the case. It included Chief Justice John Roberts saying the debate was “just about the label” marriage. And it included Justice Antonin Scalia repeatedly interrupting marriage equality attorney Ted Olson demanding that he identify “when did it become unconstitutional to exclude homosexuals” from marriage. But none of the three attorneys had an easy day. 

Chief Justice Roberts tackled Solicitor General Donald Verrilli over his brief to the court, saying it was “inconsistent.” Roberts noted that Verrilli was arguing that the children of same-sex couples do as well as the children of male-female couples, while also arguing that Proposition 8 harms the children of same-sex couples. 

“Which is it?” asked Roberts. 

Cooper stumbled, too, when Justices Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan challenged his argument that marriage is all about regulating procreation. If so, asked Breyer, why does California allow sterile male-female couples to marry? If so, asked Kagan, why allow people over 55 to get married. (Cooper, to much laughter in the courtroom, offered that it was “very rare that both parties in such marriages are infertile.Shop the latest buy moncler jackets handpicked by a global community of independent trendsetters and stylists.) 

Olson, lead attorney with David Boies of the American Foundation for Equal Rights team representing two same-sex couples, got into the most prolonged and exchange of the session when Justice Scalia demanded to know “when” it became unconstitutional to exclude gays from marriage. Scalia repeatedly insisted Olson identify a “specific date in time.” Olson tried several times to answer the question and eventually shot back, “you’ve never required that before.” 
“What Ted Olson should have said is, ‘It’s always been a violation of the constitution but, like in many of the other cases [involving rights withheld from other groups], it took a while for us to recognize that this right always existed for these people that we treated differently in the past.” 

“I doubt that if any other lawyer had been up there it would have been as heated,” said Kendell, who said the exchange was like “two old friends” having a debate. 

But each of the legal activists cautioned that it’s important not to read too much into what the justices said or asked. 

“We all know you can’t tell from argument how it’s going to go,” said Evan Wolfson, head of the national Freedom to Marry group. “The argument showed they’re wrestling with a lot of these big questions. I think standing is very much on their mind—very much a live part of the case. But they also were really grappling with the merits.” 

Though none mentioned it, it must have been somewhat worrisome for marriage equality supporters to hear Justice Kennedy say, “the problem with this case” is that it is asking the court to “go into uncharted waters.Welcome to Specialized Cycling jersey online!” That mantra was repeated by several other justices during the argument in the case, Hollingsworth v. Perry. Justice Samuel Alito echoed it when he told Solicitor General Donald Verrilli that marriage for same-sex couples is a “very new” phenomenon,Great discounts on our huge range of SAXO BANK Cycling clothing . newer than cell phones. 

“You want us to step into” this debate, he said, when “we don’t have the ability to see into the future.We work with all Castelli Cycling computers. Why not leave it to the people?” 

But hearing it from Kennedy was even more worrisome because he is considered the most likely fifth vote to provide a majority on one side or the other. Kennedy wrote the opinion in the 1996 Romer v.Welcome to SKY Cycling online, we supply most popular and valuable wholesale products. Evans decision striking an anti-gay initiative in Colorado and in the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas decision striking down sodomy laws. Both sides of the Proposition 8 case consider him the key vote to sway in order to consolidate a five-vote majority.


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Birders went to Attu at the pleasure of the U.S. government.The canada goose chilliwack parka is a stylish down jacket made in Canada. You needed permission to land there. You needed permission to land and refuel at the halfway point, at the military base on the island of Adak. Putting some rush to an Attu visit in those years was imminent closure of Aleutian military bases. No bases: no fuel, no runway maintenance, no weather information. No trip. The Coast Guard station at Attu eventually was dismantled. People were replaced by technology, satellite navigational aids. 

The man who conceived these trips and ran them each year was Larry Balch, a birder from Illinois. I was on his mailing list, receiving a menu of the 1996 trips. Offered were the usual three-week and four-week visits. Of immediate interest to me was the blue-plate special: one week on Attu for two thousand dollars. This was attractive. The three-week package was a five-thousand-dollar buy. Both three weeks and five grand gave me pause. Four weeks? That would have been a sentence, not a trip. I travel poorly at times, developing rough edges when rubbed too often too closely with other travelers. Like another famous island, Alcatraz, there was no escape from Attu. One week sounded just right. 

Once signed up, participants received a list of things to bring or not. Proper clothes were important. There was a day on the island when I wore: underwear, long underwear, jeans, wool socks,The moncler jackets for sale was originally developed for scientists working in research facilities in Antarctica. t-shirt, turtleneck sweater, fleece pullover, parka, rain suit, waterproof mittens with glove liners inside, and a wool cap under a waterproof cap. I controlled my temperature, my notes say, by removing mittens and uncovering my ears. 
And even though the "Wild for the Night" video features Rocky in the slums of the Dominican Republic,Enjoy the fastest delivery and in our monster beats cheap. it didn't stop Lord Flacko from going wild in some of the freshest threads around. 

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She’s too young to remember past snowfalls,we offer kinds of duvetica jackets Pro Headphones online . Kyle said. And last year there was little snow. 

So he left early from his job as a financial adviser in Annapolis for more pressing matters. 

“Daddy, look. I’m going to roll down,” she calls. 

That morning, Peyton and her mother built a snowman: a carrot nose, cherry-tomato eyes and 10-gallon bucket hat.Read 16 independent user reviews and compare prices on the Canada Goose Womens Resolute. They stuck in sticks for arms, then stuffed wet clothes into the dryer. Thirty minutes, no more, went by before Kyle returned to the Hunt Meadow home. 

Now Peyton is smiling in the snow on the hill. 

“Time to go,” Kyle called. 

Peyton runs and slips. Her hat falls. Her blonde hair is wet. 

Kyle’s at the car, a door open. But he doesn’t call again — he lets her have this moment. 

She’s kneeling, packing a clump. She’s building a snowman and a memory.


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NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - The man who wants to be the next president of Iran sits in a hotel lobby, steps from his office and thousands of miles away from the country he wants to lead, a distance surpassed only by the hurdles he needs to clear even to land on the ballot. 

Hooshang Amirahmadi, a bespectacled professor of public policy at Rutgers University, declared his candidacy for the Iranian presidency last year. He's now well into a quixotic quest that has taken him on fundraising jaunts from New York to California to Dubai and, finally, to Iran next month. 

Amirahmadi, 65, has lived in the United States for 40 years, calling it "my country." He married his wife here, and his daughter was raised in New Jersey. But he feels compelled to run for office in Iran to reconcile the conflict he and other Iranian-Americans feel within. 

"I feel like, you know, it's not easy to be an Iranian originally and be here, and be a citizen of this country, and see the two sides of you fight each other every day," Amirahmadi said. 

Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was elected to his second term in 2009 in an election that sparked pro-democracy protests. He is not eligible to run again. 

Under Ahmadinejad, Iran has increasingly become defiant over its nuclear program, refusing to bow to Western pressure and sanctions. Ahamadinejad has also said that Israel must be "wiped off the map" and has hurled bizarre accusations against Western countries, including that they caused a drought in Iran. 

Years ago,The canada goose chilliwack parka is a stylish down jacket made in Canada. Amirahmadi's now 21-year-old daughter asked why the two countries couldn't get along. The professor said he was moved by her question. He founded the non-profit American Iranian Council and started working to smooth diplomatic relations between the countries. 

Even though he is already a behind-the-scenes player, Amirahmadi's candidacy is a long shot. He and all Iranian presidential candidates must be approved by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's Guardian Council ahead of the June election. His American citizenship, along with his beliefs, including freedom of the press and a government based on "rationalism" rather than religion, may immediately disqualify him. 

"This is not a serious candidacy at all," said Mehrzad Boroujerdi, a professor of political science at Syracuse University. "He has no chance whatsoever getting an OK from the Guardian Council. Indeed, his American citizenship will disqualify him easily." 

Amirahmadi said he has dual American and Iranian citizenship. 

The head of the Guardian Council, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, said this month that Iranian elections are the "freest in the world" and that candidates will be chosen in accordance with the law. 

A U.we offer kinds of duvetica jackets Pro Headphones online .N. investigator said this month that there are widespread human rights abuses in Iran and expressed concern that torture and increased crackdowns on activists, journalists and lawyers could undermine the fairness of the election. 

Waving off the skeptics, Amirahmadi is confident he will be approved. He has spoken with members of the council about his presidency, but not the supreme leader. He thinks that his years working in both the U.Read 16 independent user reviews and compare prices on the Canada Goose Womens Resolute.S. and Iran — he goes back about once a year and has worked on various projects in the country — put him in a rare position to broker deals. 

"The Islamic Republic could not go to the God tomorrow and say, 'Create a human being for me with these particular characteristics,Enjoy the fastest delivery and in our monster beats cheap. who's a bridge builder, a peacemaker and an economic developer all in one,'" Amirahmadi said of himself, stressing that he is not aligned with any of the country's political factions. 

"I have probably the best chance to bring them together," he said of the U.S. and Iran. 

He thinks most issues between Iran and the United States can be solved through diplomacy and restoration of trust. Diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Iran ended with the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution, when the American Embassy was overtaken by protesters opposed to the Iranian monarchy that was installed by a CIA-led coup. American diplomatic workers were held hostage for 444 days. 

Iran,The moncler jackets for sale was originally developed for scientists working in research facilities in Antarctica. he said, has a right to have nuclear enrichment facilities. The solution is getting the West to trust the country. 

"I don't believe the problem is nuclear enrichment," he said. "The problem is lack of trust." 

Amirahmadi has spent his candidacy courting people like himself — Iranian expatriates. He has crisscrossed the globe, looking to raise money and secure votes among a group that can cast ballots in the Iranian election. He spent five hours answering questions from a receptive group on a Reddit Ask-Me-Anything forum last month. 

But creating a single voting bloc from a large, multifaceted worldwide community is difficult. 


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The Soweto derby might have ended in goalless draw on the weekend – but the local economy scored as a number of informal and formal business took advantage of the battle of the Soweto titans. 

Preparations for the match had started well in advance as tickets for the match were sold out two weeks before the face off. 

Hours before the game supporters had filled shopping centers around Soweto buying liquor and braai vleis in preparation for the celebrations which would take place after the game.View profiles and information for the Team RadioShack Cycling 2012 race team and riders here. 

Already by 12pm supporters from all corners of South Africa and neighbouring -countries were making their way into the stadium. 

Buses from as far as Lesotho could be seen parking outside the stadium.We work with all Castelli Cycling computers. 
Thabang Sithole, an ardent Orlando Pirates supporter said he had come all the way from Witbank in Mpumalanga to watch the derby. 

Sithole, who was wearing a tailor made sleeveless Orlando Pirates jacket which was tailor made, said he paid R560 to a Durban designer who designed the jacket for him. 

“This is my fifth derby, and I will go all out to show support to my team,” said Sithole. 

The Soweto highway, which is the main arterial route to Soccer city, was lined with informal business men and women who were selling team flags and Vuvuzelas in the middle of the busy road. 

Further down the road from the high way young children selling fake tickets to unsuspecting motorists could be seen waving the sought after tickets. 

Those who fell for their tricks only realized when they got to the stadium and were turned away by the security guards who were verifying the authenticity of the tickets with a machine. 

Bongani Leuw,Cheap hermes handbags australia hot sale now. a Soweto business man, said he always looks forward to the derby because of the high profit that comes with it. 

He sold team shorts, socks and caps, and Vuvuzelas, outside the stadium 
According to Leuw, the cheapest T short he sold was for R300 and the most expensive went for R600. 

He said he had made a substantial amount of money from the derby but refused to say how much. 

“Each time when there is the derby more people come and obviously the business becomes bigger,' said Leuw.Welcome to Specialized Cycling jersey online! 

Lebohang (not real name), a free lance photographer who was taking photos of supporters in the stadium said he had already made R600 before the game started. 

A Kaiser chiefs supporter from Kwa Zulu Natal, Amon Ndlovu,The Best moncler jackets men White Mens will meet your satisfaction! said he had come to the match without his supporters gear - but said he was willing to spend more than “R1 million” in showing support for his team.


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Four men were recently jailed for providing matchmaking services for ghosts. They supplied 10 female spirits for 10 lonely male ghosts. The female ghosts have been returned to their original graveyards. 

This story,The Best moncler jackets men White Mens will meet your satisfaction! published recently in the Xi'an Evening News of China, tugged at my heartstrings. The matchmakeCheap hermes handbags australia hot sale were jailed, but surely the ghosts are the real losers? 

Since this columnist has written regularly about ghost weddings, I wasn't surprised to get a call from a foreign correspondent from Europe for background. 

"Why do ghosts need matchmakers?" she asked. 
I explained that men who die single in China turn into lonely guy ghosts who refuse to leave this world, and instead hang around moping. This puts a serious downer on family parties. 

"Who's the transparent guy?" 

"That's cousin Chen, deceased. He's a bit of a wallflower." 
The only way to solve this is to find the ghost an attractive female spirit of the right age and class. Agents offer female ghosts at a retail price of US$5,000 (HK$39,000), but if you go direct to the supplier, the wholesale price is US$3,000. The four men, named Pang,We work with all Castelli Cycling computers. Bai, He and Zhang, should have advertised for lonely female ghosts. Instead they saved time by simply visiting graveyards at night and digging up recently buried female corpses.Welcome to Specialized Cycling jersey online! 

They then turned up at possibly haunted homes offering them for sale. "Good morning, ma'am, can I interest you in a fresh corpse?" Scientists expressed amazement last week after finding Arctic seals that can keep half their brains awake while the other half is in a deep sleep. 

I guess these researchers never met university students. 
Two apprentice hangmen dropped out from their training course unexpectedly, I hear from a correspondent in Sri Lanka. 

Anyone fancy taking their place? Lessons include: "Calculating Length of Rope in Relation to Height of Victim" and "Use of Sandbags to Test Hanging Mechanism." 

In Iraq in 2007, the gallows were set up wrong. Instead of being hanged, Saddam's half-brother Barzan had his head pulled off. 

Witnesses described the execution as "inelegant." That's one way of putting it. 

The sneak who was stealing money from Nozato Elementary School in Osaka City, Japan, has finally been caught, the Daily Yomiuri reported. 

It was the school's vice principal.View profiles and information for the Team RadioShack Cycling 2012 race team and riders here. 
A hidden camera revealed footage of 57-year-old Takashi Honda going through bags and jacket pockets. 

Well, I suppose it's educational, in a way. 
"A is for appropriation. B is for burgle. C is for criminal. D is for detention when you get caught."


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Hedi Slimane's autumn/winter 2013 ‘California grunge' collection at Saint Laurent has received the official seal of approval from the high priestess of grunge herself: Courtney Love. 

'It came out of Hedi Slimane and his Los Angeles heartland and home,' she wrote. 'And also the spirit of the times? Just as Yves Saint Laurent tapped into the mood of the moment, reflected the shifts in women's independence and liberation – with the trouser suit, leather jacket and many more, all of which were shockingly new at the time – was Slimane not reflecting the current status quo? Here was the rebel, with all her teen spirit, angst and energy. The fashion equivalent of angry youth if ever there was one, reflecting an age of mass unemployment, greedy bankers, recession,The best online shop for sale the hot sell Canada Goose Womens Resolute. religious and political unrest? 

'Was this a brilliant collection? Yes.The Best moncler jackets for sale White Mens will meet your satisfaction!' 

Kate Moss has also declared herself a fan - although on this occasion, she let her wardrobe do the talking. The model, in Paris for today's Louis Vuitton show, wore the collection's barely-there diamante bodysuit ,straight off the catwalk, beneath a grain de poudre jacket from the men's collection to the CR Fashion Book party last night. 

"Mr. Al-Kassem accelerated his SUV knowing full well Mr.Discover the largest collection of duvetica jackets for women. Persaud was at risk of harm,The Canada Goose Yorkville Parka was originally developed for scientists working in research facilities in Antarctica." Patton said. "He continued to accelerate even as Mr. Persaud was wedged under the vehicle." 
Patton told jurors Persaud was pinned under the SUV and dragged 15 metres before becoming unwedged. Persaud died in hospital eight hours later. 
Peel Paramedics found him in a pool of blood, court heard. An autopsy showed he sustained extensive skull fractures, a brain injury and a fractured pelvis, among other injuries. He died of "multiple blunt force trauma." 

Al-Kassem fled the scene, court heard, and was later arrested near Hillcrest Ave. in Cooksville. Police found the SUV at Cooksville GO station. 

"They knew each other (Persaud and Al-Kassem). They didn't like each other," Patton said. 
Persaud and the woman lived in the same complex on Webb Dr. 
The two men argued outside the condominium complex on one occasion prior to the fatal collision and sent each other threatening text messages, one in which Al-Kassem tells Persaud he would deal with him "when the time is right," court heard. 
The day of the fatal encounter, jurors heard, Persaud approached Al-Kassem near the accused's SUV. Witnesses' testimony and surveillance footage showed that it appears the two shake hands and make amends, Patton said. 

But later, Persaud removes his jacket and approaches the SUV as Al-Kassem reaches for a tire iron, Patton said. 
The two struggled over the tire iron.Shop the latest collection of monster beats cheap from the most popular stores . Moments later, Persaud was run down, court heard. 
Justice Nancy Mossip will charge the jury later today before putting the case in the jury's hands.


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1. The biggest influence on fashion in 2013: Alex Ferguson 

You know how Alex Ferguson always says no player is bigger than Man United? That attitude is one that fashion-industry bosses are now adopting. The new generation of designers working as hands-for-hire for the major fashion houses will not be allowed to become gods in their own right in the way that the previous generation – Tom Ford at Gucci, John Galliano at Dior – were able to do. Which is fine, and interesting to a point. But when it gets to be in every single sleeve-shape, it is in danger of becoming a little bit boring. 

2. The counter-trend to the Alex Ferguson School of Fashion: It's Just What I Want To Wear, As A Woman 

So basically, half the designers in Paris have bosses who are running around bashing them over the head with fashion history books, and the other half are like "I'm so glad I don't have that, I'm so free", and The Best moncler jackets for sale White Mens will meet your satisfaction!as a result they are enjoying showing off about how their collections are all about a personal emotion. Paris fashion right now can be divided into Team Codes of the House and Team It's Just What I Want to Wear, as a Woman. 
3. The shoulder-bag is dead 

You know your bag? That great big bulging one, that you sling over your shoulder? Nobody at Paris fashion week has a bag like that. The type of handbag owned by 99.Discover the largest collection of duvetica jackets for women.The Canada Goose Yorkville Parka was originally developed for scientists working in research facilities in Antarctica.9999% of British women – sack-like, practical shoulder strap for comfort even when it weighs a tonne, capacious enough for spare shoes/the stuff you need to get from Tesco on the way home – does not exist at Paris fashion week, either on the catwalk or among the audience. Evening bags are clutchbags or pouches; day bags are slightly bigger pouches that should be hugged to the body. Shoulder straps must be removed or tucked out of sight. If you absolutely must have a bag bigger than a clutch/huggable pouch (ie if you are British) it should have short straps, like a basket, so that you hold it in your hand rather than sling it over your shoulder.Shop the latest collection of monster beats cheap from the most popular stores . 

4. The Black Crows v The Peacocks 

Suzy Menkes, quiffed queen of the front row, got everyone's La Perlas in a twist with an article attacking that new breed of fashion-industry professional, the blogger. (In Menkes's piece, he black crows are the old-school fashion editors, who wore something wonky and dour and Japanese; the bloggers,The best online shop for sale the hot sell Canada Goose Womens Resolute. with their statement heels and bare legs and look-at-meeee outfits, are the peacocks.) Hard to know where to stand on this. My personal respect for Menkes is immense, but on the other hand I am also seriously impressed by bloggers who are able to shoulder-robe a jacket while taking a photo. Can't we all just be friends? 
5. It is all about a fringed bob 

Cara who? This Paris fashion week has been all about Karlie Kloss and her gorgeous bob-with-bangs, as the Americans call it. Michelle Obama's already on this trend, and once The Great Gatsby comes out in May it'll go nuclear, mark my words. 

6. In Paris, leopardprint never goes out of style 

Like, ever, as Taylor Swift would say. 
7. This winter's coat isn't going to cut it next winter 

If you invested in a tailored-classic-coat this season thinking it would be a timeless piece, prepare to be annoyed, because next season is all about a fairytale coat. Choose from cutesy and childish (the duffel, as seen at Saint Laurent); Grimm brothers hooded cape (Valentino); or Wicked Stepmother Fur (just about everywhere). And yes, I know you think you don't care about trends but ... get your coat properly cleaned before you put it away this spring, just in case you don't see it again as soon as you think, OK? Please.


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